adopt: vt.1.采用,采纳;正式通过。2.选定(道路、职业等);采取(立场等)。3.【语言学】沿用,借用(别国语言等)。4.收养,立嗣,过继。短语和例子adopt a proposal 采纳提议。 words adopted from a foreign language 外来语。adj.-able 可采用的;可沿用的;可收养的。n.-er 采纳者;接受器。
Each member shall adopt laws and regulations determining the minimum standards for annual leave for seafarers serving on ships that fly its flag , taking proper account of the special needs of seafarers with respect to such leave 各成员国应通过法律和条例,确定在悬挂其旗帜的船舶上工作的海员的最低年休假标准,并充分考虑到海员对这种休假的特殊需要。